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3 Responses so far.

  1. Carol Mills says:

    When I smiled at everyone today, it instantly transformed their faces. Each person turned beautiful when a smile lit up their face. What power there is in a smile. A borderless, universal power.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Carol Mills says:

    I have been smiling at everyone since I read your blog on ‘Connection’. It is easier and easier as every day passes. What wonderful human to human connection I am experiencing. I am convinced I am lifting the spirits of other people as well as myself. Thank you so much.
    Love Carol

    • suzanne says:

      Hi Carol,

      Thank you for your comments about the importance of connection in daily life. It is inspiring to hear how you are sharing the joy of interpersonal connection.

      Simple acts can have complex effects. I am thrilled to have your reports about the responses and reactions you are experiencing.

      Cheers to the power of connection!
