Expert & Advisor
Speaker & Educator
Academic Entrepeneur

" The baby boomer cohort will change how we think about aging in our society. The changes have already begun… "



"A researcher or practitioner who studies the biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging." An expert on the process of aging and adult development within the larger, diverse and dynamic social context, my research examines active engagement in work and leisure activity and how this contributes to well-being and quality of life.


Speaker & Educator

Focused on maximizing learning through thought-provoking informative presentations, blended with audience interaction. Retreats, workshops and learning labs are also popular. Common requests include:

  • Vital Engagement and the Next Challenge™
  • Five Steps to Renewal in Retirement™
  • Living An Engaged and Inspired Life™

Expert & Advisor

Working with leading corporations, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions that want to capitalize on the growing population of healthy, educated, skilled and talented adults who are entering their later years. These organizations recognize the value, wisdom and experience that adults age 50 plus bring.


Academic Entrepeneur

An innovator with a talent for cultivating links between research and practice and connecting academia with society and the outside world, all of which is critical in the knowledge-based economy and creative economy. The results contribute to enhanced knowledge mobilization and potential economic advantage.

Having retired from the clergy, I am now mentoring the next generation as they develop an innovative ministry, create a missional church and serve the broader community.

We want to tap into and recognize the talents and experiences of older adults, better engage them in volunteer roles and work more closely with them. To achieve this, we took part in a workshop that Suzanne conducted to help us learn about managing these special volunteers and to assist us with designing rewarding, meaningful and engaging volunteer roles. This workshop was very helpful and enjoyable.

Suzanne, a big thank you for coming and sharing your research, wisdom and passion with our group. This is important work within the community.

Harold Percy - Retired clergy