Grandparenting – Part One
Posted by suzanne on Nov 21, 2012
“A home filled with grandchildren is a home filled with love.” ~ Author unknown.
“Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent.” ~ Donald A. Norberg
During the second half of life, becoming a grandparent is a great joy. This is one of life’s great treasures – seeing your children have children of their own.
Grandparenting the next generation of the family is such a wonderful stage. Children are incredible. They add delight and magic to life. They are fun to have around. They help us to be in the moment and keep us young at heart. Time spent with young children is precious indeed.
It takes time to cultivate a great relationship with grandchildren. This is the opportunity to share your interests, hobbies and knowledge with someone younger who is curious and wants to learn and spend time with you. It is a fantastic feeling to find common interests and enjoy special time together. In fact, grandparents receive all the rewards of a relationship with their grandchildren without all the responsibilities. As Gene Perret says: “Grandchildren are so much fun, we should have had them first”.
The good news is that with increases in longevity, grandchildren can expect to have many grandparents in their life and grandparents can expect many years to get to know their grandchildren. This bodes well for forging and maintaining intergenerational bonds. The richness of this intergenerational relationship adds much to quality of life and well-being during the senior years. The grandparent and adult grandchild relationship is particularly interesting and future research needs to examine this. In addition, we are seeing more great-grandparents who are engaged with their great-grandchildren. They have the opportunity to get to know and mentor these young people in their lives.
Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of all ages are special miracles in our lives. Grandparents are elders who can offer much to grandchildren if we take the time to enjoy each other’s company.
What better way to give and connect than to bestow your time, energy and love, and share your interests with your grandchildren!
“Grandparents are the footsteps to the future generations.” ~ Author unknown

Category: Aging, Health and Wellness, Intergenerational, Relationships
Later Life Partnerships
Posted by suzanne on Nov 12, 2012
Long lasting partnerships are very special. When four in ten Canadian marriages end in divorce and most marriages last an average of 14.5 years, even reaching 30 years of marriage is wonderful. Hence, it isn’t everyday that we can celebrate a 50-year wedding anniversary.
We had the pleasure of celebrating this marital milestone with my mother and father in-law. For the family, it was a grand occasion that was remarkable because of the rarity of having 50 years together.
Research has demonstrated the physical and mental health benefits of marriage, including longer life, less depression and greater life satisfaction when compared to single people. The quality of the marriage including commitment and support matter. Every marriage has its ups and downs and only the couples who can see their way through the more difficult times are able to reap the rewards of a long lasting marriage.
Recently, in honour of my in-laws, the entire family spent the weekend together with specially planned family time and events. We had a lot of fun, making more beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. In addition, what was nice was the fact that three generations recognized this marital milestone and everyone was involved, each in their own way, to mark the occasion. My in-laws highly value family. They are amazing people and we are very happy for them. Fifty years is an achievement.
In later life, social relationships take on new meaning. This enables us to better appreciate connecting with others and helps us to deepen special relationships. I am reminded that one of the joys of later life is the ability to have long lived relationships – with a partner, with siblings and friends, with adult children and their partners. Each relationship has different nuances that add joy and magic and make life enjoyable and interesting. In life, it is the relationships that truly matter.

Category: Aging, Health and Wellness, Relationships
Remembrance Day
Posted by suzanne on Nov 11, 2012
On November 11th, individuals across Canada will pay tribute to those killed by war and military operations, those who never returned home. These men and women died for what they believed in and for Canada. We remember them.
Some Canadians stop and remember their loved ones – friends and family members – who died. Some think about these sacrifices but have no one to specifically pay tribute to for their courage, strength and determination.
Older adults who have real stories to tell about war are the best teachers for young people who are learning about Remembrance Day. It is wonderful to see schools inviting guest speakers for their ceremonies. Many schools put on an impressive, moving Remembrance Day ceremony. I wonder what synergies would result if, in addition to inviting a senior or two who served in military operations, schools made an effort to invite seniors living in the surrounding community and neighbourhood to attend the ceremony as well.
The importance of Remembrance Day is best expressed through intergenerational learning about the men and women who served Canada and made the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of younger generations. History comes to life and helps all ages to remember.

Category: Aging, Intergenerational, Lifelong Learning
Storytelling and Narrative
Posted by suzanne on Oct 30, 2012
Storytelling and narrative are powerful methods of communicating ideas and experiences. As human beings, we are immersed in stories.
Stories are how we make and find meaning in the world. Lives are understood through and shaped by stories. We recognize our own stories within the stories of others.
Stories are powerful for both the individuals telling them and for those hearing the story; the personal connection goes both ways. This is evident when you listen to a live reading of a book or hear a really good storyteller recounting a tale. The passion of the storyteller is evident and everyone present is moved and becomes a part of the story.
In our society, some individuals, like journalists, are excellent at finding the story and honing it to convey meaning. Storytelling is so powerful that it is often used to sell products. However, storytelling isn’t just used in the media and in advertising. There is a growing interest in therapeutic medicine and the use of story, with medical narrative becoming more popular as a way of listening to patients and understanding them. This helps medical professionals to absorb and interpret patients’ stories so they can treat the whole person, not just the illness.
Story is also critical within qualitative research. As a researcher, storytelling and narrative are important to me. I like to hear people’s stories and understand their experiences, thoughts and feelings. This phenomenological way of understanding my participants’ experiences and their perspective on issues is very real and vivid for me. People and their lives are beautiful and it is a privilege to be able to listen to people’s incredible stories. In my qualitative research, I try to honour their lives and experiences. I recognize that they have taught me a great deal just by sharing their stories.
Stories have drawbacks within research. They don’t convey the larger context and this can be limiting when trying to understand something. This is why I use a mixed methods approach in my research, combining qualitative and quantitative inquiry.
Nevertheless, I believe that stories will become increasingly important. Stories both engage and connect people. As we deal with new realities and social challenges and embrace the Age of Elderhood, we need to listen more closely to each other’s stories. By valuing and respecting each other, we can work towards common goals. All of this will help us become Age Ready as we create a space for healthy aging.

Supporting Healthy and Successful Aging: Tech-Savvy Seniors
Posted by suzanne on Oct 15, 2012
The Philips Center for Health and Well-being recently conducted a survey on technology use among those age 65 plus. They polled 501 adults, age 18 to 64, as well as 500 adults age 65 plus and found that we underestimate how tech-savvy older adults are.
- 54% of those 65 plus state they are comfortable using technology
- 27% use technology to support a healthier lifestyle
- 28% use Facebook regularly
- 25% use YouTube regularly
Helping seniors to become more tech-savvy as they age is an important part of healthy aging. It is critical to continue learning and stimulating the brain, and on-line knowledge and information is important in today’s society.
I remember being very proud of my elders who embraced computers and tried out email and Facebook. Now I see more and more seniors using social media regularly.
If you have computer or technical knowledge to share with someone, have you considered educating a senior?
Check out the Philips Center for Health and Well-being.

Category: Aging, Lifelong Learning
Active and Meaningful Participation in Society
Posted by suzanne on Oct 1, 2012
International Day of Older Persons is October 1, 2012.
Today, we recognize the contributions of older individuals – to society and community, within corporations and organizations, to family, friends and neighbours, and to others around them.
Older individuals have much to contribute. They want to be active participants in society. We need to encourage their participation and continue our work to improve their health and well-being. We need to provide a supportive environment and develop more effective ways of helping them find more fulfilling and meaningful later life activities.
Take a look around you. Celebrate International Day of Older Persons by acknowledging older adults and all the work that they do.

Category: Active Engagement, Aging
Choose an Active Lifestyle: The Ease of Exercise
Posted by suzanne on Sep 22, 2012
It is International Active Aging Week. Organizations in Canada and the U.S. are encouraging a healthier lifestyle among the 40 plus.
Why promote exercise? It is about more than just physical health.
Exercise can activate:
- Intellect
- Emotional well-being
- Social connections, including intergenerational relationships
- Spiritual health
- Environmental commitment

Category: Aging, Health and Wellness